It’s been a while since Android received a visual overhaul, but that’s just what’s on the menu this year. Google’s new Material You design strategy is a bold shift from its previous look, pulling colors from your phone’s wallpaper to create a dynamic theme across all of your support apps. As we draw closer to the official launch of Android 12, it’s worth finding out just how Android users are feeling about the change.

Ever since I/O, Google has slowly been trickling out Material You updates to some of its apps, with releases really picking up steam over the last month or so. Some of these changes are small, offering a tinted backdrop with newly-shaped buttons. Others feel like whole new apps, like Calculator’s new key layout or Gmail’s intense monotone color scheme. In some cases, these splashes of color can become a little overwhelming, even if Material You looks to be an excellent design shift overall.

From left to right: Gmail, Contacts, Calculator.

Although not all of these looks are available outside of the Android 12 beta, some new designs are accessible on older software through APKs, which means many of our readers have managed to test out Material You for themselves. I’m curious how people are feeling about Google’s new style. Considering how bright and bold many of these updates have been, it seems impossible Android 12 will be anything but divisive when a stable version is released over the coming weeks.

So, how do you feel about Material You? Love it, hate it, or somewhere in between? Flip through our UI coverage if you need a refresher on apps like Gboard or the Play Store. And don’t hesitate to elaborate further in the comments — I’m sure many people will have thoughts on Android’s new look and feel that go well beyond the bounds of a simple poll.

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Weekend poll: How do you feel about Material You?
Source: Poinoy Wattpad

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