When you’re trying to keep on top of your communications, having one number that’s tied to all your devices — and even accessible through a web interface — sounds like a dream come true. And for the most part, that’s exactly what Google Voice is. But key to that success is it managing to actually do its job, and right now that’s not exactly going as planned, as Google reports issues with text messages experiencing delays.

Google first shared word of this problem a few hours ago, and reports that those affected are able to access Voice and send texts just fine, but for some reason they’re experiencing unspecified delays when it comes to receiving incoming texts from others. It’s unclear just how widespread this issue may be, and we haven’t observed any significant delays when investigating on our end.

Hopefully we’ll have a more complete picture of the scope of this issue soon — and ideally, news about a resolution, as well. Google promises an update shortly, and we’ll be refreshing our coverage with those new details as they arrive.