Say what you will about Twitter: it’s constantly evolving as a service. Whether it’s introducing a paid subscription option that adds an “undo” button or deleting Fleets from the app for good, it’s been a busy, ever-evolving year for the social network everyone loves to hate. A new beta test for Twitter introduces various upvote and downvote options specifically for replies, though only time will tell if these tools actually come to a wider audience.

According to Twitter’s support account, the app is testing this interface with a small selection of users on iOS. Three different variants are available, including standard up and down arrows and thumbs, with the weird option being a mix of the current “Like” heart and a downvote icon. These won’t appear on standalone tweets — just replies — and only upvotes will be seen by the general public (as a liked tweet). Downvotes are currently hidden from view.

Unsurprisingly, many users are noticing similarities between these new voting options and Reddit, including the site’s own social media manager, who tweeted in reply to Twitter Support.

The general response to this beta test seems to be negative, as users ponder whether it’ll only unleash additional toxicity on everyone’s favorite hell site. Still, taking notes from Reddit’s favorability system is probably better than last month’s Facebook react experiment. As for now, we’ll just keep hoping that editable tweets are next up on the to-do li— just kidding, we all know it’ll never happen.

  • Thanks:
  • Vinoth