OnePlus’s latest flagship phones have been somewhat controversial, but the OnePlus 8T has held strong as a decent daily driver. In fact, if you need a powerful device and don’t mind year-old hardware, it’s a no-brainer at its reduced price. It’s been nearly two months since the OnePlus 8T received some update attention, but depending on your region, that changes today.

OxygenOS is slowly arriving for OnePlus’s late 2020 flagship, but unfortunately, a vague changelog keeps us from really knowing what’s changed. This update is region-specific, leaving India out altogether, but the system patch notes only list improved stability and solutions to “known issues.” If you’re based in either Europe or North America and your experience has been buggy, it’s worth seeing if this update fixes any of your problems.

In addition, this update solves an issue where the display would flash while shooting in “Nightscape” mode. It also installs the OnePlus Store app on your phone by default, though the company is quick to note you can uninstall it.

In a strange omission, OnePlus has left out the July security patch in this update. The 8T is currently stuck on June’s patch, and we’re quickly coming up on August’s revision as this month comes to a close. With any luck, another update is just around the corner for all three regions that will bring the phone’s security measures up to date.

This version is coming to devices in North America first, with an EU launch planned in the coming days. To view the complete changelog, just head on over to OnePlus’s forums.