Google Lens is one of those features you can never go without or you’ve never used. Leveraging the power of search with your phone’s camera, Lens allows anyone to look for information about any real-world object online just by snapping a photo. It seems like the feature is becoming more popular than ever, as Google has revealed some interesting stats regarding the platform, along with an all-new way to explore new areas when traveling this summer.

Places is a new filter coming to Lens, designed to identify landmarks like buildings using your phone’s camera. It comes right as tourism is beginning to rebound throughout the summer, with far more people traveling both nationally and globally than last summer. With the Places filter enabled, your phone uses models from Google Earth to pull up information with AR. It’s easy to see how this could become handy when traveling, as your device transforms into a personal tour guide.

To use Places on your phone, tap the camera icon in the Google app to open Lens. Swipe through its filters until you find it, then just point the camera at anything in your vicinity.

Google also took this opportunity to celebrate the growth of its AR search app. Lens is now used over three billion times per month around the globe, a pretty remarkable number for a service that has only been around since 2017. Considering Google continues to try to build Lens into every aspect of search, it’s no wonder its popularity has exploded.