Clubhouse is the hottest social network of the year, riding a wave of popularity that has forced countless other apps to build rival audio chat apps. It has only been available for Android users for about a month, but the developers have been working quickly to get the app up to par with its iOS counterpart. An all-new update for Clubhouse on Android brings social linking to the app, with a couple of other changes in tow.

This week’s most significant addition is the ability to add your Instagram and Twitter accounts to your profile. The patch notes call this the “most requested Android feature,” and it’s easy to see why. With a community as tight-knit as Clubhouse is right now, quickly linking users to your other social accounts is a must if you’re trying to grow an audience. If you’re on the app, just head to your profile and tap the corresponding button to the social network you want to add.

Linked accounts aren’t the only feature coming in this week’s update. A new reminder has been added within each room to follow both either speakers or the club itself. Once followed, those future rooms will appear in Hallway, and you’ll receive a notification when a room is live.

Finally, club pages now show more than one upcoming event at a time. Considering just how many talks are being held on Clubhouse every day, seeing a complete list of future occasions is a big improvement. Each event has an RSVP option, which will notify you when it’s time to join.

Clubhouse recently surpassed two million Android users, despite maintaining its invite-only status. Whether it can keep its momentum going following a planned public launch later this summer is anyone’s guess.

Clubhouse: Drop-in audio cha‪t
Clubhouse: Drop-in audio cha‪t